18 Jul #05 – TWO PERSONS STRUGGLING IN MUD – 09/05/2020
After a long period with no call-outs while local beaches have been mainly quiet during the lockdown, BARB’s volunteers were called out at 12.37pm today by HM Coastguard to reports of two persons stuck or struggling in mud on Berrow beach.
Both our hovercraft were quickly launched from Burnham beach while our crews took extra care to abide by social distancing guidelines.
Once on scene, we liaised with Burnham Coastguards and carried out a search of the lower beach and tideline from the Berrow wreck southwards.
No-one was found in difficulty and reports came in that the two persons had later been seen safely exiting the beach.
Both crafts returned to Burnham and were safely recovered and washed down ready for service.
This was a great example of multi-team working while adhering to the ongoing social distancing guidelines.